torsdag 11 december 2008

1.5 Add nature to your story

Can you adapt your team building exercise in 1.4 to you use nature for tools and play ground to bring enthusiasm among the participants? Leave a comment below where you describe your exercise under the following headings: 
  • Title of the exercise
  • Resources needed
  • Expected results
  • Introduction to the participants
  • Five steps to carry out the exerice
Is this a team building exercise to use as part of your "recipe for nature experiences"? If possible, leave a comment on someone else. 

4 kommentarer:

F01 FC Djursholm Stocksund sa...

Leave a comment below where you describe your exercise under the following headings:

- Title of exercise
- This is needed to conduct the exerice
- This is the expected results of the exerice
- Introduction to the participants
- This is how you conduct the exerice

bm sa...

Looking at leaves

Need to be in a place where there are trees, grasses etc

Aim to make people look closer and think about role of leaves in nature's cycles

Introduction: How often do you think about leaves? Leaves are important for all of nature, they make the air everything breathes, the food everything needs to live. They turn light into energy and when they die they feed the soil from which other leaves grow.

Take half an hour, walk around and choose one leaf from the many you can see. Look at it closely, its shape, different colourings, how it is attached to the plant. Does it change with the seasons? Is it an old leaf or a new leaf? How does it grow, where are its 'roots'? What is it like underneath? How does it give something to my life? Then we will come together again and each one in turn [without saying the name of the leaf if they know it] will describe their leaf in detail and their thoughts about it. The rest of the group will try to identify the leaf from the description. Then the group will be led to the place where the leaf is so they can look at it too. Then the next person describes their leaf, and so on till everyone has had a turn.

If there is paper and pencils, each person can draw a leaf and write some phrases about it. Then people can swop their drawings and each to try to find the leaf that has been drawn.

bm sa...

PS. Each person could write a poem about their leaf, too.

GetWiLD sa...

Hur funkar det?